Media Effects on Attitudes towards Immigration: A Multilevel, Multimethod, Longitudinal Comparative Study



Zentraler Phänomenbezug

Wolling, Jens; Ozola-Schade, Maija
Technische Universität Ilmenau

Political Communication
Journal publications & Project report
1. April 2021
30. April 2025

Radikalisierung (allgemein)
Phänomenunspezifisch (kein ausdrücklich ausgewiesener Phänomen- bzw. ideologischer Bezug), Nicht zuzuordnen

Zentrale Fragestellung:

RQ: How do national exogenous factors and media coverage on immigration influence the beliefs about the impact of immigration and attitudes towards immigration in Europe from 2001 to 2020?
RQ1: Can people’s attitudes toward immigration be explained by higher level structures such as the information environment in which public discourse about immigration is shaped?
H1: European nationals will have permanently more favorable attitudes toward immigrants from a similar ethnicity as the majority than toward immigrants from different ethnicity.
H2: People living in countries with a democratic corporatist media system have more positive attitudes toward immigration than those living in countries with a liberal or polarized pluralist media system.
RQ2: To what extent does political ideology moderate the effect of the amount of media coverage about immigration on attitudes toward immigration?
H1: Higher media coverage will be negatively associated with positive immigration attitudes among individuals on the political right in comparison to those from the center of the political spectrum.
H2: Higher media coverage will be positively associated with positive immigration attitudes among individuals on the political left in comparison to those from the center of the political spectrum.

Stichprobenbildung – Datenzugang:
European Social Survey (secondary)
Newspaper content data (primary)

Inhaltlicher / Thematischer / Empirischer Zentralfokus

Deskriptivanalyse, Multivariante Verfahren, Inhaltsanalyse


Zentrale Forschungsbefunde:

Research shows that media coverage influences European attitudes toward immigration, promoting positivity but varying by political leanings and media quality. More positive views correlate with stronger public services and a high-quality media system, while effects differ significantly between the political right and left, thus reinforcing pre-existing beliefs and increasing opinion polarization.

Implikationen oder praktische Verwendbarkeiten:

Focus on enhancing policy frameworks, media approaches, community programs, and political communications to foster more inclusive attitudes toward immigration.

Hinweise / Anregungen zu möglicher Anschlussforschung:


Zitation des Projekts

  • To be announced

Quellenangabe projektbezogener Publikation

  • Upon request